And I am guiding a community of women as we bravely walk our own unique journeys. She Walks the Walk helps you off society’s ever-turning treadmill, putting you on the more inspired path of self-discovery and adventure, including epic treks around the world!
We are thrilled to be expanding our community to all women interested in self-discovery, travel and adventure – and walking her own damn road to happiness.
Flourish with us.
Our flagship course, CrossRoads, is for the over-worked career woman ready to take that difficult step in a new direction. (Launches early 2024.)
Adventure with us.
Our GWAs are immersive experiences combining the timeless art of the pilgrimage (because we want you to figure your shit out) with the physicality of hiking (because walking is the answer).
Why Join the SWTW Community?
All of us have our own paths to walk, but it’s easier when we walk alongside each other in spirit. That’s exactly what the SWTW Community is designed to do: help support, encourage, and inspire each other as we travel in our own directions. We are stronger together, no matter what path we’re on.
The SWTW Community Feed provides inspirational stories and quotes. Community members interact by leaving comments, asking questions, and replying to others.
The New Leaf Book Club is a global book club bringing together like-minded women from all over the world. You’ll find though this is more than just a “book club” with our emphasis on self-discovery, travel, and adventure. Join Now.
Sam designs programs to help you out of your rut, (like CrossRoads, our flagship course for the over-worked career woman) and Meditation workshops to put you back on the path to purpose and reclaim your spiritual side.
Global Walking Adventures (G’WAs) are opportunities for us to physically walk alongside each other, walking some of the great treks in the most beautiful places in the world. Learn More.
Our members come from diverse backgrounds and live all over the world. But we all have one thing in common: a desire to get off the treadmill and do something special with our lives. If this sounds like you, welcome to the SWTW Community!
Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.
Doris Mortman
Watch the She Walks the Walk 'Creation Story.'
There's no template for life. Walk your own road to happiness!
We invite you to join us as we connect, flourish and adventure with each other. Our growing community of She Walks The Walk members are here to lift you up.